As part of the actions carried out by both institutions within the framework of social responsibility, Favaloro University and EXO signed a collaboration agreement to implement actions related to health, education, sports, entertainment and culture.
The agreement was signed by Professor Jorge Tissera, rector of the university, the president of EXO Luis Szychowski, and Fernando Gonzalez, manager of Responsibility and Sustainability of the company. Also present were the bioengineer and dean of Favaloro University, Sebastián Graf, Pablo Aguilera, CEO of CEMADE (Center for Sports Managers), and Karina Sotelo, EXO lawyer.
The first actions will pay special attention to combining the University's experience and trajectory in the field of health with EXO's innovative telemedicine solutions to achieve significant changes in the communities in which both are immersed. In the immediate future, work is already beginning together in a "Health Marathon" where EXO will accompany its telemedicine teams and a multidisciplinary group of UF teachers and students who will carry out health checks and promote healthy habits in Villa 21-24.
Rector Tissera stated that this linkage is important to strengthen our actions with the community. In addition, it is presented as an opportunity for our students to incorporate the use of health technologies into their medical practices.
Meanwhile, González de Exo concluded: "This agreement with Favaloro is very important because it is a great step to begin to insert telemedicine in society. The combination of medical care with technology solves the problem of the enormous distances between doctors and patients that exist in much of Argentina, benefiting people who are isolated, especially those in situations of social vulnerability. This situation is also being replicated in various countries around the world," González explains.