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EXO Energy - Home

What is EXO energy? EXO® Energy, is the division of EXO S.A. in charge of researching and developing clean and sustainable energy solutions, providing technical advice and professional solutions that adapt to the needs of companies, institutions, institutions, companies and individuals....

Institutional presentation

: Institutional Presentation Let's briefly meet EXO 1978 EXO® is born: development of software solutions and provision of computer services'80s Pioneer company in the development of microcomputing in Argentina.'90s Official distributor of important...

Technology That Saves Lives

Buenos Aires, January 2022 - "Kilometres take us apart, but technology brings us closer. This is what happened on our last trip to Misiones, where networking showed its brilliance when it came to saving a life through teamwork," he says with...

Company page - Certifications

HOME | Company | CertificationsCERTIFICATIONSISO 9001:1994 | ISO 14001:2015 | ISO 45001:2018 EXO is a company committed to excellence, and since 1999 it proves it with its quality certification under the ISO 9001:1994 standard, being a pioneer in Argentina in the...

Privacy Policy

EXO S.A.'s Privacy Policy This Privacy Policy applies to all EXO S.A. devices, websites or online applications that reference or link to the PDP. (EXO) devices, websites or online applications that reference or link to the PDP. This PDP applies in relation to the use of...

EXO trained health personnel wintering at Antarctic bases

Sanitation personnelEXO trained all the sanitation personnel who will soon be wintering during 2024 in the bases that the Argentine Republic has in the Antarctic continent. The training focused on the use of the Mobile Diagnostic Center that EXO donated to the...


Mexico CityEXO Soluciones Tecnológicas will participate along with other Argentine companies in Expo Med Hospitalar 2024. Considered the largest medical and hospital products fair in Latin America, it will bring together in the Mexican capital the major suppliers of medical and hospital...